The Teeling Whiskey Company is very new Irish Whiskey company set up by the Teeling family after the sale of the Cooley Distillery to the spirits behemoth Beam Inc. You can read more about Teeling Whiskey and Teeling Poitin at my earlier blog posts (just follow the links).
The latest addition to the Teeling Whiskey portfolio is the Teeling Whiskey Single Grain bottling. The Teeling family know their grain whiskies quite well. When the family owned the Cooley Distillery they were responsible for the superb Greenore 8 and 15 Year grain whiskies. This bottling is a part of a 30 cask batch of grain whiskey that was made at Cooley Distillery before its acquisition by Beam Inc. (and would have been destined to be Greenore). It is a 5 year old grain whiskey that has been aged in ex Californian Cabernet Sauvignon oak barrels. The whiskey is made from maize (corn) and is produced in a continuous still. Bottled at 46% abv and non chill filtered with 5000 bottles produced and bottled in October 2013. Ageing the already soft, sweet grain whiskey in ex- wine barrels gives thew whiskey a rich amber colour as well as imparting “strong spicy notes, lush red berry and grape flavours”.
Available here.
Jack Teeling, founder of the Teeling Whiskey Company, commented, in a press release “It’s a little known fact that the majority of Irish whiskey sold is actually Grain whiskey so we feel it is interesting to have expressions of Single Grain whiskey in its own right. Our new Teeling Single Grain is representative of our aim to help drive the expansion of the Irish whiskey category through unique bottlings and expressions.”
Read about my visit to the Teeling Whisky Distillery.